Announcing: The Python Place, Your Python Place, Your Data Place and Comfy Python!

New domains...

Bit of a ridiculous title, but I've just registered 3 more domains. Hoarding. But I'm undecided... I set out to build a data platform (which I am still pursuing), but on the journey I've had some extremely exciting ideas which sit more in the realm of improving the agile useability of Python by adding my own field experience, common SDKs (like boto in AWS), and making Python execution the core of our platform. 

The domains I now hold for this project are:


What're you going to do with these additional three domains?

At the moment: nothing. But I will attempt to use them as landing pages and different "approaches" to explaining/educating the concept of Your Data Place, as the fact that it uses Python as its core unification language is not apparently simply from the name.

I like the look of PyScripts landing page, as well as their technology (which I'm looking at how to use in this project). So I may look at building similar styles landing pages in order to test the ways to educate users on how to get value, and how to use the platform, and whether its the right fit for them.


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