Automated Python testing with alerts for everyone, with 🔥 integrations, done fast!

Another idea that came from me sitting in the Your Data Place editor and writing out a test case for my real workflows: automated testing through assertions. This idea is taken to a new level, by adding automated alerts through provided integrations.

See these couple lines of code:

import ydp
apns = ["123", "234", "345"]
ydp.tests.assert(len(apns) == 3, "APNs in function don't equal 3!", ["email", "sms"])

This, is completely implementable, and can be completely functional. With the pre-tested importing of a private SDK (YDP), and the ability to run with integrations from within this SDK (sheets for example), this sort of functionality is completely possible - at the same level as writing a private SDK and doing all the integration management and pipeline management on ones own.

By wrapping the function in alerts of a runtime failure AND using subsequent tests, the worst case is getting a stack trace and error message from YDP when a series of Python code fails to execute, and the best case is you get a specific, quickly understandable error message along with the stack trace and standard output.

Too many ideas!


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